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Energy Billing Project

Erstellt am: 30.09.2013 | Stand des Wissens: 30.09.2013
More and more traction units in Europe are equipped with metering systems collecting data regarding energy consumption and the positions of the traction units. To avoid different metering systems being installed according to national specifications it is necessary for cross-border traffic to standardise the exchange of data. In this light the Energy Billing Project was set up in October 2005 in order to ensure an exact billing of energy consumption for interoperable cross-border rail traffic in Europe.

The Energy Billing Project has elaborated the UIC leaflet 930 "Exchange of data for cross-border railway energy settlement". The leaflet was published in November 2009.

The purpose of the UIC leaflet 930 is to:

  • Describe the processes and protocols used for the exchange of energy consumption data between Infrastructure Managers which by respecting existing national systems thereby contribute to an improvement in European railway sector interoperability.
  • Define the technical requirements for the checking and verification of this data.
  • Allow Railway Undertakings to identify their genuine energy consumption and therefore pay exactly what is consumed; associate the consumption of each train to the bill and the energy price (including existing models) which will lead finally to energy savings.

Union Internationale des Chemins de fer
[UIC08] o. A. Energy Billing Project: Draft UIC Guidelines to be presented on next UIC Forums and Platforms, veröffentlicht in UIC e-news, Ausgabe/Auflage 92, 2008/03/13
[Wieb09] Wiebel, Harald UIC-Merkblatt zum Energiedatenaustausch tritt in Kraft - Verbrauchsdaten folgen dem Zug über Ländergrenzen hinweg, veröffentlicht in Energie News, Frankfurt/Main, 2009/04/08

Auszug aus dem Forschungs-Informations-System (FIS) des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur

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