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Transport Research Centre - CDV (Czech republic)

Änderungsdatum: 06.03.2012
Kurzname: CDV
Anschrift: Lisenska 33a Brno Czech Republic
Telefon: +420548423711
Fax: +420548423756
CDV (Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu) is a national research institute under a Ministry of Transport and Communications. CDV conducts a research mainly in the fields of infrastructure, traffic and transport. The centre employs 100 researches and other experts. The skills of researches cover the area of traffic engineering, traffic safety, transport demand and supply, road user behaviour, transport economics, maintenance and operation of roads as well as transport economy. The range of skills indicate the inter-disciplinary composition of the research staff. At international level CDV was involved in various 4FP projects as well as in COST and PHARE projects. CDV also represents the Czech Republic in various international organisations as e.g. FEHRL or FERSI. From 1995 is CDV regular member of IRTAD as well.

Auszug aus dem Forschungs-Informations-System (FIS) des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur

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