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European Intermodal Research Advisory Council (EIRAC)

Änderungsdatum: 31.03.2014
Anschrift: EIRAC Secretariat Consorzio TRAIN D'Appolonia S.p.A. Via San Nazaro, 19 16145 Genua Italien
Webseite: ...
Eigendarstellung: "EIRAC is the intermodal
industry's advisory council set up to guide the current
Research Framework Programme of the European
Commission. It will produce an Intermodal Strategic
Research Agenda, through a new and common vision for
innovation and research. This website gives information
about EIRAC's objectives, methodology, ongoing work,
results, papers and news."

Auszug aus dem Forschungs-Informations-System (FIS) des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur

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